Preparing for Inspections – Weapons, and Health

Man, I nearly forgot about writing tonight…or I should say, this morning. It’s 12:30 am, and I just got off work. We have inspection tomorrow and we had to work our butts off cleaning. We still didn’t get everything done, but we still have a little bit of time tomorrow to do some things.

Now, I know how it felt for Benji, Jay, and Lil’ Ben to work on the site under me. I was a procrastinator…and when the boss is procrastinating, on a job that you require to be done to proceed, it gets rough. Steve was all up in my kitchen tonight, and I had the most difficult time concentrating on the task I needed to get done. I had an especially difficult time when (more…)

Nerve Gas, Curfew Violations, and the library

Ahh…the conclusion to another day. Bedtime fast approaching, and another day on the horizon. If time continues to fly by this fast for an extended period of time, I will be middle-aged before I know it.

At any rate, work was, in general, short-lived today. I spent most of the day scrubbing paper border off the men’s bathroom wall, with a chemical solution of my own that gives paint thinning companies a run for their money. I’ve been told that 2 of the 6 chemicals I used, when mixed, make a type of nerve gas. Curious… (more…)

The Good, the Bad and the Interviews

“What a beautiful mess I’m in…” not really…I just thought of that song.

Anyway…today I didn’t work until 4:00. I finally go to “lounge” around the house. I got all dressed up and put on some house shoes, and watched TV. I had a late breakfast and contented myself with a can of biscuits and some cheesy-eggs. At that point, an unexpected thing happened. I got a letter. It was from Sarah in Bay City. So when Martha Stewart was finished, I decided that this letter “was a good thing…” 😉 and read it.

Ahh…the memories, and the insights. (more…)

Quit reading your Bible, and pay attention!

Groundhog Day…I haven’t heard yet whether or not he saw his shadow. It’s not important though, he’s usually wrong.

Anyway…church…yeah. My parents wrote me a note “I expect you to pay attention instead of reading your Bible.” The nature of the “problem” is bizarre. They want me to listen to a guy, from whom I am not learning anything, instead of reading my bible, from what I am learning. It doesn’t make sense to me. (more…)

The Columbia Space Shuttle

Man…today is a day to be put down in history. The space shuttle Columbia exploded on reentry this morning at 8:00. It was said that all over Texas it was heard when it happened. I didn’t hear it though. I was at DQ counting the store. (I got there early, at 7:30 to do it.) (more…)

Troubles at the DQ

This is bound to be a short journal entry. I’m pretty sleepy.

Today, I got to work at 8:00 like every Friday. Then I had to sift through the poorly done financial material from the day before when I wasn’t there. That took an hour. By that time I should have already started setting up the store. So I go ahead and do that, and it takes nearly 45 minutes because of Zadra being in the dining room waiting until 11:00 for her shift. It bothers me that she’s in there, even though she is just reading a book.

Anyway, I finish up and have to double check the grocery order. Everything on the list is there…except for one thing. (more…)

A Walkabout around town

Well, I don’t guess I will ever have a real day off.

This morning we went to the bank and changed my minimum account balance requirement from $1000 to $600…but I am still under that once my written checks clear the bank.

When I got home, I had to hit the streets on Walkabout to pass out my Lawn Mowing Service fliers. It wasn’t so bad at first because I only had to do 1/4 of the town. So I went down Highway 171 and then (more…)

I [don’t] have People Skills!!

*sigh* Things are getting better now. With less things that I have to get for my parents and more control over how things are run at DQ. I am finally settling in.

Steve is going to have me start writing next week’s schedule on Friday, but I just spent the last hour on one, and finished it. I don’t see why it takes other managers sooo long to do their job. Not to sound conceited (although this will) but (more…)

A girl, a song, and the President

Jackie, MercyMe, and State of the Union. Those were the highlights of my day today.

I got to work with Jackie and found out some interesting things about her. One disappointing thing though, is that she is only 16. But she listens to rock music and is a cowgirl.

Anyway, I was listening to HOT 100.3 FM (in Dallas) and they played “I Can Only Imagine” by MercyMe. Also, they apparently had them on their morning show this morning. They played off the “Christan” aspect of it and said “it is a good song…that’s why we play it, even though it is from a Christian band.” It didn’t matter to me, just as long as it was played it’s a good thing.

Well, tonight was the President’s State of the Union address. (more…)

Life as a Head Shift-Leader

Well…it’s Monday. I keep getting more and more things to do on Monday, at DQ, that is. I get thre at 8:00 am to sort out the weekend’s finances (because we have some employees there that, if compared to a box of rocks, the rocks would have more sense). So that takes about 45 minutes, if I’m lucky. Then I set up the store -a good 15 to 30 minutes depending on whether or not the people on Sunday strained the grease, or broke-down the ice cream machine properly. They didn’t…of course. So an extra 15 minutes…it’s not 9:30. We open at 10 am.

Now, the reason I get there at 8:00 is (more…)