This weekend, I hung out with [wizard] and we worked on our servers. He created his [m3rlin] server, and I created my [[Oracle]] server. Originally, as you might recall from previous posts, [[Oracle]] is an IRC bot that we use for auto responding and chanserv purposes. Our bots are still the same in function so […]
It’s time to get back into the swing of things… I put my computer together for the first time in 4 weeks last night, and to my amazement it worked just fine. In all, from the purchase of the case, till today, I’ve done the following to my computer… put in 2 more hdds (1-120GB […]
Update: Since I’ve been gone
I haven’t been gone, so much as I have been out of the personal-teck loop. Over the summer, I took a “forced vacation” when work let me go. I was fine with it – I didn’t like the job anyway. But during that time, my drive for doing personal teck went down as I spent […]
So it’s time for an update. The tsnX-lite theme is up, and has been since the LAN party. Let me know what you think. It’s not all the way finished yet…I’m still working on it, and 4 others based on it. I’m also going to be working on two versions of the former “My Spot” […]
For those just stopping by, is now useable like it was in the past. There are still some updates to the database and site code that I am working on, but everything works as it should for the regular users. I’m currently working on the first theme for the site, named tsnX-lite. It is […]