It was a better day today…

It was a better day today. I was a little sleepy when I got up this morning, but that is normal. I had to get up at 7:30 because I am now doing the paperwork at DQ. So I got there at 8:00. It took me a whole 15 MINUTES! Too easy. And tomorrow it will take me even less time because half of it is done already.

Well, Rita called in sick this morning at 8:25. We have a policy that the employee must call in at least 4 hrs before they are scheduled to work. She was shceduled to work at 10:00. Well, we get a tip later, unbeknownst to the person that gave the tip, but the point is, Rita has been released. It will be interesting to see if her husband Tom quits because of it. Dah well, it will be more hours for me, thus more money.

Steve, my boss, has already decided that I am going to be head shiftleader. $8/hr, here I come, soon. He showed me how to check the orders we get today, and talked to me about hiring/firing people.


That’s what I get…

That’s what I get for writing in my Journal too soon. After I got done yesterday, I contemplated going to bed, or going to watch Anastasia with the family. I went to watch tv. A few moments later, my brother is sent out of the living room, and my sister was in her room, and I received a lecture.

“What are your plans for the future?” my stepdad says.


Christmas Day!

It’s Christmas Day! But if felt just like any other day. We did the presents this morning, as always, but I didn’t know what time we were doing them for sure.

Around 5:00, I kept waking up and couldn’t sleep for nothing. So I laid there and tried to think of what my parents could have possibly gotten me since they didn’t get me walkie-talkies like I asked for. All I could think of would be stuff that I would use later in life, but nothing in particular came to mind. They wouldn’t buy me computer stuff because they don’t want to support my “addiction” as they put it, and they won’t buy me electronic stuff because they don’t want me to have fun and stay in my room all the time, and that wouldn’t help me later in life. So, thinking all this got me a little depressed, then I remembered Amy was going to call me today.


Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve! But it doesn’t feel any different to me than any other day.

I went to work this morning at 8:20. It’s a little later than yesterday, but for the past two days now Steve has called right at 8:30. So I have to be there early. I was supposed to do the paperwork and count the food for the week today, but he and his wife got there early to do it. Dah well…he says he will do the paperwork on thursday. (Among other things that are supposed to get done by the end of the week.)


My first day back at work…

Today was my first day back at work. I finally get rid of 8:00 classes to gain 8:30 work. It ws pretty hecktic today. Everything has been moved around since I was there last, and I worked with two people that I had not worked with before. The cook, Tom, resembled, to me at least, a good’ole country boy. He had a scraggly beared, a slow twang in his speech, and was laid back about things. The other person was a girl, Tanya. She is a Jehova’s Witness, with lengthly brown hair, and a cute smile. (nothing compared to Amy though, nothing by far!) She’s kinda lazy and has an attitude about things.


An uneventful day…

Well, today has been a generally uneventful and boring day. We went to chuch this morning. Here lately my parents have been going to the United Methodist Church here in town. So I went too. I did not like it one bit. They are all about responsive readings (which I suppose are to represent the people’s response to what God is telling them through the priest, or at least that’s what it appeared to be to me) which I don’t like. They also are very repetitious w/ readings’ they had an Old Testament reading, Epistle reading, New Testament (Gospel) reading, and finally the sermon. In between everything we either sang or did a responsive reading. Then the preaching was boring and I almost fell asleep every two minutes. My mind kept andering back to the church at ETBU and why didn’t I ever go to church with Amy, and how I would much rather be in Chapel than here. (At least then I could be with people I like to be with.)


Vol 1 :: The First Day Back…

Well, this is my first full day back. I survived. This morning, I got up early to go meet my boss and see about keeping my DQ Job. I got there at 8:00 a.m. and he wasn’t there. So I wait 20 minutes in a windbreaker jacket in 40 degree weather. He shows up, we talk, and I have gotten a raise, and in 30 days or less, I will get promoted and another raise, totalling $1.75+ an hour, to $8.00 at a country Dairy Queen! WooHoo!
