Hmm…well, we had pancakces this morning. I don’t usually eat breakfast, but I will make an exception for pancakes.

Afterwards…a lecture. But this time, it was a “you said something good” lecture. I mentioned that I have a shot at being manager of DQ and that the last manager (who, at the time, had worked for DQ for 2.5 years) made $30,000 a year. That’s good money for a 19-20 year old kid. So my direction has changed from going to TSTC in the fall, to going to TSTC later. That puts me behind schedule and postponds the broadcast of this journal as well as contact with my friends. DANG!

Well, with $30,000, I woulc pay off all my loans, pay off my car, pay for TSCT in fall, buy an apartment, and pay for health insurance. Basically I could live on my own and have my own internet.

We went to our land today…oh, I didn’t mention that we have 28 acres of land. Anyway, it brought back plans of going camping with my friends there. We never did it, and well, that is because I never told anyone. But it would have been fun. I would have liked to go with Amy…just us. A whole weekend, and I don’t think she would have minded. It would have been great for everyone to have gone. Then for all the times they said they went “Camping” it would have amounted to nothing compared to roughing it in the real country. I’m kinda glad we didn’t though, because wehn we went today, I noticed a turn that I had not remembered. We might have gotten lost if I was leading the way.

Ahh…night driving. My stepdad and I went to Waco tonight. I was driving. There was a green light…it turned yellow as I was about 20 feet from it going 30 mph..he says “iuf you don’t make it I am puling on this” motioning to the emergency break (but I Was not looking at him). So I speed up and run it. It turns red as I pass under it. To make a long story short, I will not get my license until January 30th. Sorry Amy. If you come the 20th, I can’t take you anywhere *sigh* dah well.

I guess I will go to bed now. Laterz.

Song in my head: “Jenny from the Block” – JLo
Craving: Ugh…not mexican food
Mood: Stuffed/Indigestion
Thought: “Work…sleep…work…sleep.”
Quote: “Ese!” – Carman’s “Heart of a Champion”

Categories: LifeVolume 1


I'm Neo, creator of This journal is a digital form of the paperback journal that I kept each day from December 21, 2002 until March 23, 2003. It details my life experiences during those three months: the transition from college sophomore to adult, interactions with my parents, and general life after leaving the private college on-campus "bubble". These days I'm much better now, and living on my own. I haven't talked to my parents since May 2005 when my brother graduated high school.