A new decade rolls around, and with it some ideas for new technology projects to get started on.
Tag: [[Oracle]]

For the first time since 2007, I decided it was time to upgrade my computer processor, and everything else in the box along with it. Six years to the day, on July 4th, 2013 I performed open-case surgery on my primary gaming computer, aka [[Neo]], and on my media-server-turned-gaming-PC that my wife has used, aka […]
[[Oracle]] upgrade

I upgraded [[Oracle]] this weekend to have a 500gb hard drive in it. I got the drive, a Seagate SATA II 500gb drive for $107 at Frys. The sale ends today, 10/2, so I decided not to pass it up. Now I store all my music on that drive, and am using the 450gb RAID […]
Four Months Later…

It’s been 4 months since I last posted in here, and there’s good cause for that – I haven’t cared to touch a computer in a technical capacity since shortly after I started this job doing IT support at a university. I’m on my computer all day at work, fixing them around campus, and the […]

I’ve spent the last two weeks working on getting [[Oracle]] into the role she was designed to play…but have found it to be a bit more involved than I realized. Originally, I set up the server to be a web server with php and sql capabilities. Then I realized I needed to FTP files to […]