My friends and I had this idea back in 2004 about going completely wireless. My desktop computer moved from a 25 ft cable to a wireless card, and all that was left was the power cord. So we thought about what it would take to create a wireless power supply. In order for power/electricity to […]
Category: Thought Experiments
Ideas and Thought-related blog posts for things that could be done with technology – or can’t, but should be.
To travel through time…
So my parents are in Australia today…and for the next 3 months. They flew from LAX to Australia last night, and I wondered what it would be like to travel, effectively, back in time. When I was younger, I thought that one might be able to fly at the speed of light (should such a […]
Idea: Printing Via Email
I was doing some work, and went to print, and hit the “Send email as Attachment” button instead of the QuickPrint button in Excel. Not only did I have to unblock Excel from the internet and wait for Outlook to load a message with the attachment, I had to close the windows and hit print […]
I had started thinking about this today just before I started seeing articles hitting around the subject… Neo: do you think that if msft released a open source vista that people would edit it to make it more stable? or just try to put hacks in it and release it as a error fix wizard: […]
Project: Tormachi
Project: Tormachi … what is it? It’s file sharing routed through a proxy. Now, some of you might say “isn’t that what hamachi is?” And some of you might be right. But we’re not using hamachi…we’re using hamachi and Tor….to do something that has not been done before, to our knowledge, for our purposes. What […]