I get asked a lot by coworkers and friends about how to clean up a computer (either because it’s running slow, has spyware, or because they just can’t do anything on it any more). Below are 5 of the major cleanup methods I use to get their computer up and running again. Depending on the […]
Category: Technology
This is the general purpose, all-around tag that goes on everything…if it’s here, it’s tech. And if it’s not tech, it’s not tagged tech.
Recently, all my Windows Vista & Windows 7 machines started displaying errors saying that Live Mesh had crashed and needed to be shut down. Unfortunately, the errors wouldn’t stop occurring even when the program was exited and the error cleared. It was thought that IE9 beta and Live Mesh beta don’t like to play well […]
I was talking with my girlfriend who mentioned that in her Speech class they were discussing the forms of Communication and what exactly is taking place. Inflection, body language, verbal sounds – the whole adage “Communication is 10% what you say and 90% what you don’t say”. I view these two types of communication (verbal […]

Have you ever considered why it is people have emotions? What are emotions really comprised of? What triggers them, what determines their intensity? What causes the same stimuli to be interpreted in two different ways, by two different observers? I’ve put some thought into this during a discussion about the creation of an emotions chip […]
Earlier this month, I had read that a scientist, J. Craig Venter, created the first synthetic life form. While he didn’t create the entire bacterium from nothing, he did create the DNA from chemicals and a computer program to assemble the 4 base-pairs into a string of 600,000 pairs, using known sequences to produce the […]