If you know the answer, and don’t like mine, don’t ask me.

[57 in :: 197 out]

Today didn’t go as expected at all. I intended to go shopping with my parents, but they had different plans…

So… I’m watching This Old House with my mom, when my stepdad, out of the blue, and already knowing the answer, asks how much it would cost me to live on my own. So I tell him $1400 a month. I should have known it would come to a lecture…. My parents inform me that he came within two seconds of being killed on the way home yesterday. No specifics, just that; I don’t know if it is exact, or exaggerated. And so, it leads to “if I died, you would have ot move out and live on your own,” as well as “why aren’t you getting that lawn mowing job?…”and, “what is the status on the manager’s job?” All these things, have remained constant since the last time he asked. So I tell him the status of each…and he says they are just excuses. AHHHH!!!! If you don’t like my answer, DON’T ASK!!!

Anyway, I went to DQ and got the Applications that have been turned in this past week, and (more…)

Valentine’s Day at the DQ

[56 in :: 198 out]

Valentine’s Day… Love is in the air…well, not from where I am sitting. S.A.D. That’s what today was…Single Awareness Day. Oh well.

It didn’t bother me too much, or even at all. I did, however, focus my time off during the lovely rain, on writing Jay’s letter. Yes, I finally did it. Now coming up with the money to write the check is the tricky part. But I’ll figure something out.

I closed tonight at DQ. It was demanding. We ran in our night shift what we would normally run in one day during the late spring. It was pretty busy. Next time though, I need to be the cook…my brother was tonight, and he (more…)

Ello, my name es Manuel Labor…

[55 in :: 199 out]

Out wit, out last, out date? Survivor Amazon premiered tonight. It was pretty good, except for the frequent talk about some of the young guys wanting to hook up with the female tribe members. Still, I enjoyed watching it.

Earlier today, though, I was to have a day off. However, my mom had other plans. I scrubbed the bathroom wall, removing non-existing mold, and revealing what I already knew, but had to prove to her – that it just needed paint. (I do conceded that a little bit of stuff was mold, but not in the capacity that was expected.)

Afterward, I weed-eat’d the back yard, getting all dirty and grassy. I would have preferred to mow it instead.

Feeling drowsy, I lay on my bed and read my Bible. I hadn’t done it meaningfully in a while. But my stepdad posed the question at dinner last night about (more…)

Short Order Cooking doesn’t take Restaurant Times

[54 in :: 200 out]

I was worn out today after work. My allergies kicked my butt all day. That, and the fact that I had the psychological difficulties of working with Zadra.

She is the type of person that will hold things in so one never knows if she is ill toward them. My thoughts on her concerning me are that she resents me being over her, wants to out-work me, and won’t make any conversation about it. I have no problem with her trying to out-work me. I do have a problem with the quality of some of her work:

  • She takes 5-10 minutes to cook an order that should be out in 3
  • She burns her food that she cooks
  • She is not as clean during the process as she should/could be

Thus, there are two options: (more…)

Forcing Religion has the opposite effect.

[53 in :: 201 out]

Ok…today was slightly different than normal. I got up this morning, but still had to watch Creflo Dollar on TBN. Shortly after, my mom went to a quilting bee at our church, and left me a list of chores, and the instruction to go to the half of a quadrant in our town to post my fliers.

So I put off the chores until the last feasible minute…about 11:00. Finished about 11:30, and then went on a walkabout to hang the fliers. During that I tried to dictated a letter to Lindsey H., but had little success. I am slowly losing my voice, and probably won’t have one tomorrow, which means that I will be able to cook instead of wait on customers.

But when I got back, I was satisfied that I (more…)

I’m over 18, and paying rent. Don’t you need a warrant?

In general, my life gets better and worse at the same time.

I am having to take charge of teaching myself things at work. They are not difficult tasks, but Steve is not going to be around this week to teach me.

However, while I was at work today, my mom went through my room, confiscated most of my music, took my stereo and CD player, and my software. My stereo, CD player, software, and the rest of my music, as well as computer hardware went to the garage. The other music, and my Dragon Naturally-Speaking software are being thrown out. And, as normal, a lecture ensued the confiscation.

The high points of the lecture are: (more…)

Flying cars and etbuers.com

During church today I had time to think on my invention for a flying car. I tried to pay attention, but he didn’t have us look anything up in the bible, and I couldn’t read my bible, lest I be rude having my head facing my lap while he talked. So I stared straight at him, and thought. It’s basically a small airplane, made of hard plastic, instead of metal, so it wouldn’t be heavy. I won’t go into much detail, but Lockheed and Boeing both have the technology I need, and are using it in their latest fighter jets that can hover. They’re pretty neat.

Anyway, I finished up a rough drawing of one side-shot for the vehicle and am working on a top view. It’s hard because I am doing it by hand, and if I mess up, I have to start over. It’s pretty sleek and curvy. I don’t know how well it will fly though, but I am only doing this on paper.

I didn’t get to write Jay’s letter today. I wasn’t motivated. I did go driving and that caused me all kinds of problems with the parents. I had to explain why I almost ran a red light. The truth is (more…)

Worst of times, and Best of times

Today was slow and painful. My allergies are acting up and causing me all kinds of problems. I ‘ll get over them quick though. I probably just need to spend a lot of time outside. It worked when I went to Six Flags once…my allergies or something was making me sick, but I stayed outside all day and got better.

Anyway, someone that is not getting better is Carol. (more…)

Some Sad News…

Some sad news today. Carol had a heart attack, and is in the hospital. I have no further details than that, although she is not dead.

I am sure this has re-arranged some things at DQ. We will probably be hiring two new people, one of which I have interviewed, and another that previously worked there. The one I interviewed, Andrea, will work the days, (if needed; they’ve been slow lately) and the other, Chris F., will work the weekends (Sunday mainly). If I can get Chris in tomorrow and start him Sunday, it should work out so that Steve might not have to come in to work and can get Teague’s DQ inspection preparation underway. We’ll see… (more…)

I’m not going to post this online…*coughs*

Well, after all that work at DQ, we got a 92.4 of 100, where 85 fails. We made an 86 last year. So, in general, we did pretty good. I got to speak with Reese and Walker some about things that we could do to see if they would approve, but none of it did. It was just to get answers that Steve couldn’t give me.

On another note, I am having to change my journal writing style because people are reading my journal without my knowledge and I am getting in trouble for the things I write. I only write what I think. that’s why there would be a disclaimer on my website that said: (more…)