What you need…to know.

I decided on a name for my website. “The Spot” like “the hang out” or “the place to be”…it’s “the spot.” I have a cool logo that has all the letters to “spot” in it, while maintaining a contemporary and abstract design. Now I am working on a slogan. All I have so far is a re-make of Kia’s: “Make every click count.” But I am also thinking about “What you need…to know.” (The grammar and punctuation will have to be worked on though.) But it is coming along quite nicely. It never takes long to make a site once there is a purpose and a design to achieve.


“Started work on my new website…”

Well, I was supposed to be trained to do the food cost once again today. Nope. I counted the store – it took 30 minutes, when it takes everyone else an hour or more. Then I wait all day for my boss to come by and show me what to do with the numbers. He gets tied up in Mexia and never makes it while I am there. He seems to be unrealiable when it comes to scheduling. He said he would be spending most of his time last week at Hubbard, but he didn’t. If he would just tell me what I need to do, and pay me more, he would not have to worry about this store. Perhaps I should tell him that.


A website for my friends to hang out on…

Yep. Just as I thought…boring. In church today, I had enough time to read Titus, like Micah had suggested the last week of school to the college class. It is a book that I should have read a long time ago, and it only took 10 minutes to read.

I saw two girls that I have had a crush on for a while there at church, but they are too young for me at the moment (under 18, I don’t know how old they are, but they’re in high school.) I didn’t make any effort though. I usually don’t until there is a reason for me to be talking to them.

Anyway, Beth (my best friend) called today! (more…)