Programming Projects Technology Twitter Weather

SKYWARN Storm Spotter Status released!

A technical look at the SKYWARN Storm Spotter status service offered by

Labs Programming Technology Twitter

PizzyLabs: StormSpotter Activation Forecasts

A little update about a SKYWARN-related project I’ve been working on this week.

Programming Projects Technology The-Spot.Network Twitter Updates

tsn8 in the works

Development of tsn8 has begun, with better technology, a new user experience, social media integration, and a planned release of Summer 2014!

Projects Technology Twitter

Dallas Stars Twitter (@dallasstars and @thedallasstars)

What happened to the Dallas Stars Twitter? They removed me from their friend list, and changed everything! If you’re asking yourself that question…it’s not what you think. Here’s what happened – it was all a mistake… The Backstory… Back in the Fall of 2007, @winkydo had an idea to start broadcasting the scores during the […]

Categories Programming Projects Technology Thought Experiments TweetSuite Twitter Wordpress

TweetSuite WordPress Plugin + (Preview)

A couple weeks ago, I found out that Twitter had a Search feature that showed real-time tweets for a keyword. I gave it a little thought, considered what it would take to actually write the software – and then wised up, and decided to see if someone already did the hard work. Sure enough, Dan […]