In a section of this site called the “PizzyLabs,” you’ll find a link to a service I created called “SKYWARN Storm Spotter Status“. A little over a year ago, I wrote about my creation of a service to check Hazardous Weather Outlooks (HWOs) that were posted to the National Weather Service (NWS) website. Everything worked fine, […]
Tag: sql
If you use MSSQL over ODBC, connecting w/ PHP is simply a DOMAIN\WEBSERVER acct on the MSSQL server & the DSN in PHP’s odbc_connect()
I’ve spent the last two weeks working on getting [[Oracle]] into the role she was designed to play…but have found it to be a bit more involved than I realized. Originally, I set up the server to be a web server with php and sql capabilities. Then I realized I needed to FTP files to […]
I’m backing up the tsnX.3 Beta’s Database (with the posts, forums, and accounts) and going to start moving the tsnV database into the tsnX site. The site is going to be down for a bit, while I do this, and iron out the kinks of auth-access, and conversions. If things don’t go properly after a […]
Project: tsnXchat
After using a flooble chatterbox from, and trying to (unsuccessfully) hack it to get rid of the ads at the bottom, I have resolved to putting my newly developed AJAX skills to the test, to create an open-source version, with no ads. I’ll explain how you can make one too in this entry.