Technology Updates

Update: tsnX – (Mod CP, FAQ Editor, Extreme Styles) @ 100%

I managed, during lunch, to finish all three things: Moderator Control Panel, FAQ Editor, and eXtreme Styles modifications…and they were relatively easy to do. REALLY easy. So all the beta testers, go break what you can…so far, no one has broken anything…I need people to break stuff. The only issue that I see, is not […]

Technology Updates

Update: tsnX – Photobook @ 100%, tsnX Game Plan

I got the Photobook up today during lunch, and everything seems to be in working order. There are some things left for it that I would like to fix, like the Personal Photo Gallery in the profile. The code inserts that link into the old-style profile, but I can’t seem to find where the new […]