I’ve started work on the tsn.7 style and theme for the new forums, and I must say, it’s lookin’ pretty sweet. Once I get a working set going, I’ll redo the splash page to give a bit of a preview and then load it up to the forum index.

I’ve started work on the tsn.7 style and theme for the new forums, and I must say, it’s lookin’ pretty sweet. Once I get a working set going, I’ll redo the splash page to give a bit of a preview and then load it up to the forum index.
Yes, you heard it right, there is a new version of the-spot.net being put up as you read this. The folks over at www.phpbb.com have released version 3.0.0 of their forum software, and it has all the functions and features that we used in tsnX built-in to it, and everything works right out of the […]
Earlier I posted on the RSS Code that I’m working on. I’ve done quite a bit of work on it so far – learning about the various functions that PHP offers. Most of what I thought I was learning while setting up the forums was not actually PHP’s functions, they were phpbb functions. And knowing […]
Ok, so while coding the tsnX forums for the-spot.net, there were several instances in which the mods didn’t work because everyone’s mods assume (usually) that they are going to be the only mod installed in the forums. And while this is the ideology that saves time when writing a modification, it is not a “best […]
The issues that we had with the cache and logging in after you registered have been fixed. There is nothing more frustrating than going through a mod that has worked in the past, but doesn’t work this time, because everything else that it had interacted with before has changed. The category hierarchy mod changed the […]