A couple weeks ago, I found out that Twitter had a Search feature that showed real-time tweets for a keyword. I gave it a little thought, considered what it would take to actually write the software – and then wised up, and decided to see if someone already did the hard work. Sure enough, Dan […]
Tag: database
Yes, you heard it right, there is a new version of the-spot.net being put up as you read this. The folks over at www.phpbb.com have released version 3.0.0 of their forum software, and it has all the functions and features that we used in tsnX built-in to it, and everything works right out of the […]
Earlier I posted on the RSS Code that I’m working on. I’ve done quite a bit of work on it so far – learning about the various functions that PHP offers. Most of what I thought I was learning while setting up the forums was not actually PHP’s functions, they were phpbb functions. And knowing […]
For those just stopping by, the-spot.net is now useable like it was in the past. There are still some updates to the database and site code that I am working on, but everything works as it should for the regular users. I’m currently working on the first theme for the site, named tsnX-lite. It is […]
I’m backing up the tsnX.3 Beta’s Database (with the posts, forums, and accounts) and going to start moving the tsnV database into the tsnX site. The site is going to be down for a bit, while I do this, and iron out the kinks of auth-access, and conversions. If things don’t go properly after a […]