Projects Technology Updates

Update: tsnX.3 @ 54%

It’s been a slow, and distracting week for me. I haven’t accomplished near as much as I thought I would with the site. But I have accomplished some things. There are about 21 more mods to install, and I Figure that if I work on it after I get done helping the family on Saturday […]

Technology Updates

Update: tsnX.3 @ 43%

We’re now at 43% complete with the code implementations. Be sure to check the progress page. I’m trying to get things done more quickly, because I believe that I’m about to come into a job soon. I had two interviews with job placement firms, and one is going to be placing me in a low-level […]

Technology Updates

Update: tsnX.3 @ 26%; Progress Page

Well, the tsnX.3. updates are now at 26% complete. I’ve created a progress page that you can check which updates are installed, which ones are left, and how far along things are coming. It also shows what’s new in tsnX that wasn’t in tsnV – whether it’s user features, or hidden admin capabilities. You can […]

Programming Technology

“We’re number 1!!”

Ok, so while coding the tsnX forums for, there were several instances in which the mods didn’t work because everyone’s mods assume (usually) that they are going to be the only mod installed in the forums. And while this is the ideology that saves time when writing a modification, it is not a “best […]

Technology Updates

Update: tsnX.3 – Registration/Login Fixed

The issues that we had with the cache and logging in after you registered have been fixed. There is nothing more frustrating than going through a mod that has worked in the past, but doesn’t work this time, because everything else that it had interacted with before has changed. The category hierarchy mod changed the […]