Update: For those of you still finding this blog post, possibly for the reasons it describes, AT&T has discontinued the Xpress Mail service, as of sometime in December 2010. I don’t know the reasons for this, but in my opinion, not getting my work email on my phone is the best thing that has happened […]
Category: Technology
This is the general purpose, all-around tag that goes on everything…if it’s here, it’s tech. And if it’s not tech, it’s not tagged tech.
Quakecon 2009 – The event
Frankli of the-spot.net Well, this was easily one of the best Quakecons I’ve been to since I started going in 2004. ~day_dreamer~ of the-spot.net The Pre-registration line went smooth without any hitches as far as my small group was concerned…and they let us in early to put our things down. I got the spot I […]
Quakecon 2009 – PreReg Line
This year things went a lot smoother at the Quakecon Pre Registration Line. The volunteers came in Monday instead of Tuesday, and that got them pretty much completed with everything by Early Wednesday, instead of last-minute late Wednesday. I arrived around 6:00, and got a parking spot in the garage (unlike before, where there was […]
It’s that time again – time to pack up all your computer crap, go wait in line for 8 hours, just to put it down at a hotel and go home…then come back and stay up for 98 hours straight running on nothing but BAWLS and pure adrenaline. That’s right – it’s time for Quakecon […]

What happened to the Dallas Stars Twitter? They removed me from their friend list, and changed everything! If you’re asking yourself that question…it’s not what you think. Here’s what happened – it was all a mistake… The Backstory… Back in the Fall of 2007, @winkydo had an idea to start broadcasting the scores during the […]