I installed the WordPress Pluging “PingPressFM” to try out using ping.fm to syndicate my blog posting to things like MySpace, Facebook, and my other blogs that I don’t normally post regular content to. So, we’ll see where this post ends up going, and I’ll update it accordingly.
UPDATE: Initial response is that it doesn’t work – but there is still a lot of room for error on my part. We’ll try throughout the evening to see if it just takes time.
UPDATE 2: I forgot that I use twitterfeed.com to syndicate my blog…not to mention this particular plugin did nothing that I can tell. So…that’s that.
UPDATE 3: This plugin actually works, it’s just that I had conflicting plugins going on with my blog, and something else took precedence over this one. If this plugin is used as your primary source of syndication (as it is for some of the other blogs I’ve set up, e.g. www.punix-gt.com/comics) then it works just fine.

10 replies on “Ping.fm WordPress Plugin: “PingPressFM””
You can also ping your site or blog to get it indexed fast with justaping.com
Awesome to know. Thanks Kevin!
You seem to be getting some database authentication errors on your webpage, Kevin…if you didn’t know that already.
I just installed ping.fm in my self hosted wordpress site. API key, PHP version and CURL module have been verified.
I am stuck at setting the “trigger”. Under the “Current Trigger”, clicking the drop down arrow gives me two choices:
“(Off) undefined (@undefined)”
“—Create New Trigger”
I chose “—Create New Trigger” and checked “Trigger is active” box, accepted the remaining defaults, and clicked “Create Trigger”, and then saved it by clicking “Update Options” button.
Now I get an error that says, “None of your triggers are active!” …
Can any one help me here … please … I tried emailing the developer, but no reply so far.
Please help. Thank you.
It looks to me like the “Create Trigger” button does not function – it’s broke. My recommendation is to use twitterfeed.com and set that site up to use your ping.fm account to post blog updates instead of pingpress.fm
Sorry no one has been able to help you – but it looks like the button doesn’t work, and from what you mentioned, it sounds like the developer no longer works on it.
– [[Neo]]
Hi Neo,
Thanks for the reply. I thaink, I am giving up on PingPressFM plugin. I have done what you have recommended.
I will now try twitterfeed.com
I have fixed the pingpressfm plugin and it is working for me now. Please email me at akfirsttry@gmail.com to get more details
I having the same trouble as Keddy. Guess I will toss this plugin and try twitterfeed too.
PingPress.fm fix from Google … just tried this – you may consider it …
good post, Sputnik. I may give that a try – twitterfeed seems to get overloaded sometimes.