Projects Updates

N3:, tsnX, Spotcasting

Tonight, we work on and /teck…continue working on tsnX’s new features and code modifications, preparing it for graphic redesign, and Spotcasting with video.

Nerd Night @ Neo’s is brought to you by Google Adsense (click the ads, plz – help pay for this crap), and by Beef Jerky (get your Jerk on).

We are going to work on and /teck because the WordPress auto-update that I have on the server is, in my opinion, not going to work properly. When wizard changed his blogs from /blog (teck news) and /Jeromy (person) to /teck and /blog, respectively, the file that shows what is installed on the server did not update. This was because he did the switch by hand with the database, and file system. Now, the data file that shows what is installed can’t find /Jeromy, but it does see /blog, because that directory never changed. However, the database associated with that directory is not the same as it was…so if I were to update /blog it would change the teck database it was created with, and the /blog files that it references – causing an updated DB for the /teck journal, and updated files for the /blog journal – but not the files and DB for the other, respectively. So we’ll be backing up both blogs, reinstalling them from scratch, and re-uploading the database for each to get things in the right order.

Also, I’m going to be working on tsnX and getting the last 3 code changes done before I have to start writing my paper, and preparing for final exams. We’re also probably going to give Podcasting a shot, and call it The-Spotcast (for being in a different spot each time, possibly). We’ll probably do the recording in Downtown Fort Worth. We gave things a test-run at Billy Miner’s in Sundance Square. We found a couple good spots, the only problem is the noise, but I believe we’ll be able to do better this time. We’ve not decided on what all we want to discuss just yet, but when we get together, there is always teck news and ideas that spew forth.

When we get our spotcasting under way, I’ll start a link collection here on as well as in There is going to be a Podcasting icon in the profile of each user to get their latest podcast. I’ll be setting one up for us. There are so many directions we can go with it, and we haven’t thought of them all yet – but it’s been a project that we’ve wanted to do for about a year now, and finally have all the equipment…including a video recorder.

That’s the jist of what’s going down this Nerd Night @ Neo’s.

By [[Neo]]

I am a web programmer, system integrator, and photographer. I have been writing code since high school, when I had only a TI-83 calculator. I enjoy getting different systems to talk to each other, coming up with ways to mimic human processes using technology, and explaining how complicated things work.

Of my many blogs, this one is purely about the technology projects, ideas, and solutions that I have come across in my internet travels. It's also the place for technical updates related to my other sites that are part of The-Spot.Network.

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