Programming Projects Technology Updates

twitter & tsn.7

With a new My Spot page comes new possibilities. This time around, I’m going to make a concerted effort to actually write in new code and attach a new database backend that pulls from the phpbb database and the users’ accounts on this new plan, there will be increased ability to add features and […]

Programming Updates

Update: New RSS Code in the works.

Earlier I posted on the RSS Code that I’m working on. I’ve done quite a bit of work on it so far – learning about the various functions that PHP offers. Most of what I thought I was learning while setting up the forums was not actually PHP’s functions, they were phpbb functions. And knowing […]


New RSS Code in the works

After spending some time thinking about different ways to re-enable the RSS feature for, I’ve finally hit on an idea that I’ve started writing the code for. The original code would hit the main database to grab the newest posts on the forums…after it sorted all 77000 posts by date, and then grabbed the […]