How To Privacy's a Joke Security Technology

Configuring your Facebook Application Security Settings

One of the least-checked settings on Facebook, is the permissions you’ve given every app/game/quiz you’ve ever used with the site.

How To Privacy's a Joke Security Technology

Configuring your Facebook Profile Privacy Settings

If you’ve never logged out of Facebook and looked at your profile page, you may be surprised at how much info you’re sharing with the world.

How To Privacy's a Joke Security Technology

How to plug your personal information leaks

If you don’t know where your personal information could be leaked, you’ll never know where to plug it. Here’s some of the common holes.

How To Privacy's a Joke Security Technology

How to find yourself online

I’m sure at one point or another, everyone has done the “ego search.” You go to Google, type in your name, and see what comes up about you. From what I’m told, there’s even a fun ranking system based on the number of pages that show up about you. My real name has about a […]

How To Privacy's a Joke Security Technology

How to Handle Online Harassment & Cyber Stalking

About 15 years ago, having an email address and/or an instant messenger screen name meant you were riding the cutting edge of the internet. A couple of years after that, the hot trend was having a MySpace profile. Today, it’s generally assumed that everyone has at least a Twitter account or a Facebook page. Over […]